In the ever changing business environment, understanding customers and the consuming process has a variety of advantages especially for manufacturing companies. According to Haque, Khatibi, and Rahman (2019), these advantages include supporting managers in decision making and providing marketing research with a theoretical foundation from which to analyse customers in order to make better purchasing decisions. To buttress further, Foxall & Goldsmith (2016), consumer research can help businesses learn more about the psychological, social, and economic elements that drive human behaviour. A general understanding of consumer behaviour offers personal significance as well. It can assist people in becoming better consumers by educating them about how they and others conduct their consumption activities. Furthermore, it might help customers in the purchasing process by alerting them about some of the marketing methods utilized by businesses. In Berkman & Gilson, (2018) position, consumer behaviour studies why individuals make specific purchasing decisions, what items and services they buy, where they buy them, how they use them, how frequently they buy them, and how the consumer decision process works.
In the opinion of Jones and Zufryden (2020), consumer behaviour has been characterized in this context as the behaviours of persons who engage in real or potential usage of market items—whether products, services, retail environments, or ideas Therefore, managers must understand customer behaviour in order for their company to achieve commercial success. The relationship between consumer behaviour and marketing strategy is emphasized because the success of companies' marketing strategies is dependent on managers' understanding of consumer behaviour therefore understanding of consumer behaviour is especially important during a recession, according to Kotler and Caslione (2009).
Interestingly, consumer purchasing decisions reveal how successfully a company's marketing approach matches market demand. Marketing thus begins and finishes with the consumer. Customer behaviour research is centred on consumer purchasing behaviour, with the customer having three separate roles: user, payer, and buyer. Consumer behaviour is difficult to forecast, according to research, even for specialists in the industry (Armstrong & Scott, 1991). Consumer behaviour refers to the psychological processes that consumers go through when recognizing their needs, finding ways to meet those needs, making purchase decisions (e.g., whether to purchase a product and, if so, which brand and where), interpreting information, making plans, and putting those plans into action (e.g., by engaging in comparison shopping or actually purchasing a product). By definition, Hasslinger, Hodzic and Obazo (2017) opined that consumer purchasing behaviour refers to the selection, acquisition, and consumption of products and services to satisfy their desires. Consumer behaviour is comprised of several processes. Many elements, specification, and traits impact the person in who he is, as well as the consumer in his decision-making process, shopping habits, purchasing behaviour, the brands he buys, and the merchants he visits. Every one of these criteria contributes to a buying decision. The consumer begins by attempting to identify which commodities he want to consume, and then he picks just those commodities that offer more benefit. After picking the items, the customer estimates how much money he has available to spend. Finally, the customer assesses the current commodity pricing and decides which commodities he should consume. Meanwhile, other elements such as social, cultural, economic, personal, and psychological influences influence consumer purchasing.
Schiffman & Kanuk (2007) asserts that consumer behaviour study seeks to comprehend both the individual and collective decision-making processes of buyers. It investigates individual consumer attributes like as demographics and behavioural variables in order to comprehend people's desires. Consumer behaviour research enables for better knowledge and predictions of not only the subject of purchases, but also purchasing reasons and frequency of purchases One of the current core assumptions in consumer behaviour research is that people buy things for their subjectively perceived values rather than for their primary purposes (Stávková, Stejskal, & Toufarova, 2008). This is not to say that the products' essential functions are unimportant, but that a product's present role is more than its core use-value (Solomon, 2004). Consumers frequently rate products not on the basis of their core attributes (i.e., the primary utility they provide), but rather on the basis of the so-called real product (i.e., the qualities of a specific product) and the extended product, which represents the set of intangible factors that confer a desired perceived advantage on the consumer - including image, consultancy, and after-sale service (Foret & Procházka, 2007). The majority of industrialized nations have met their goals by depending on domestic manufacturing as well as government initiatives encouraging the use of local goods. The degree to which people are committed to buying local items is heavily influenced by ethnocentrism (Sciffman & Kanuk 2007). As a result, the focus of this study is on the factors impacting consumer purchasing behaviour on home items in Nigeria.